Thursday, 22 August 2013

The Liebster Award

Hello everyone!

A few days ago I was lucky enough to be nominated for the Liebster award by the lovely Anabel Kate. Being quite honest I didn't even realise what it was and only found out I was nominated when my dad text me saying to look at the comments on my most recent blog post! *cringe* Anyway, The Liebster award is all about giving bloggers with under 200 followers recognition, how cool! Anabel has asked me 10 questions that I will be answering below, then I will link some blogs and write some questions for them to answer.

1. If you could travel to any country in the world, where would it be?
When I'm older I'd love to travel so this is a tricky question! Either America or a remote, tropical island somewhere.

2. Where do you blog?
I mostly blog on my laptop in my bedroom or living room.

3. Favourite book?
The Prince of the Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

4. If you had to change your name what would your new name be?
I really don't like my name as I think it's so boring but saying that, I'm not too sure what I'd change it too! Maybe Grace or Isabelle or something pretty like that!

5. Percentage of the day you spend day dreaming?
Hmm this varies I'd estimate around 20-30%?

6. Favourite gig you've been to?
I haven't actually been to many gigs! Looking back I don't think either were that great as I don't support the artists majorly anymore or even listen to their music as much. In the future I'd love to see McFly *hint hint, dad*

7. Do you prefer summer or winter?
I love them both! In summer, I want it to be winter but in winter I want it to be summer! However maybe summer as there's no school. Yay!

8. Top three favourite songs?
This question is so hard; I can't possibly answer it! I love way too many songs to choose!

9. Would you like to live in the city or country when you're older?
I think I would like to live in the city when I was a young adult but when I get married and have kids I'd like to move to the countryside.

10. Main aim in life?
To do something I love and be happy!

I nominate:

Evangeline Young

Nikita-Marie Bridgeman

Stephanie Johnson

And my ten questions are...

1. Favourite under-rated beauty product?

2. What's one thing you couldn't go a day without?

3. Are there any celebrities you'd like to meet?

4.  Why do you enjoy blogging?

5. Why did you start blogging?

6. If you could be anyone in the world (dead or alive) for one day, who would you be?

7. Favourite film?

8. Do you like to follow the trends or set your own?

9. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

10. Describe yourself in 3 words?

Thank you for nominating me!



  1. Literally freaking out because you said Isabelle was a pretty name (I'm called Isabelle, I hate it >.<) I love your blog, and your instagram while I'm on the subject, it's so pretty! <3

  2. Congrats for being nominated lovely!<3 xx
